Smuggler’s Cove Project
As I teased last month, we’ve started a new major project with the aim of releasing a bunch of similarly-themed assets.
Here’s a little dump of some work in progress 🙂
Epic Grant

Poly Haven received a Megagrant of $25,000 from Epic Games last month, for the purposes of creating more assets and improving usability of our assets in the Unreal Engine.
You can read more about what this means (and doesn’t mean) for us here:
Corporate Sponsor Capacity
We also recently increased our limits for the various corporate sponsor tiers we have available.

This system learns from the options available in the Blender Development Fund, with added exclusivity.
It’s been great to hear from big companies who believe in what we’re doing enough to sponsor us regularly in exchange for a little logo placement on our site 🙂
Corporate sponsorships have formed about a third of our income this year, including the Epic Grant. Patreon donations are still the leader and our main focus, at 41%, and ad revenue makes up for about 20%.
ZIP Downloads
A new feature I’ve started working on for is the ability to download ZIP files with a custom selection of included files.

This is meant as a temporary solution (but also independently useful feature) to the problem mentioned last month of non-Blender users having trouble using our assets.
Currently downloading a texture/model’s Blend file or GLTF file will include a predefined selection of image textures (e.g. JPG diffuse, EXR normal, EXR roughness, PNG displacement).
The idea here is to allow you to customize this, if your use case prefers a different image format for a certain map type, or you don’t actually need the Blend file as you’ll be creating the material yourself in some other software.